Guide to the Flaming Gorge Scenic Byway


Map of Flaming Gorge Scenic byway

Marvel at stunning rock formations, 一个广阔的湖泊和丰富的野生动物,在风景秀丽的开车穿过怀俄明州西南部和犹他州北部. One of 37 of the nation's designated All-American Roads, 火焰峡谷风景小道是一个150英里的车程,从岩石泉开始,在格林河结束. 从石泉出发,您的旅程从80号州际公路99号出口开始.S. Highway 191 south through the high desert country. 广阔而原始的景观展现出来,这里是大群叉角羚的家园, wild horses, mule deer 和 many species of raptors.

View or download the Flaming Gorge Scenic Byway map 找到所有必看的景点和隐藏的宝石位于火焰峡谷国家.

请负责任地冒险,并注意保护我们社区的安全. Keeping your distance is easy in our wide open spaces. 

Flaming Gorge Tour

在这条风景优美的路上有这么多景点和活动,很难知道从哪里开始. Luckily, you can adventure with a local on the br和 new Flaming Gorge Tour. 这个计划周密的旅行包括在火焰峡谷风景小道上所有最好的地方停下来,甚至包括午餐! 您还可以了解该地区丰富的野生动物和历史. Join us for a tour this summer 和 leave the planning to us.

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Audio Guided Tour

听一听介绍,然后开始你的火焰峡谷之旅. 下载 和 listen to the full tour in your favorite media 玩er. (12mb)


的 Journey Begins:

Notable Stopping Points

To help you navigate Southwest Wyoming's All-American Road, 将这些必看景点和值得注意的停留点添加到您的路线中.

Historic Routes

As you cross the bridge over the railroad tracks, you are crossing a major historic transportation corridor. During pioneer times, this was part of the famous Overl和 Stage Trail, a vital route across the Wild West. 在19世纪60年代末,横贯大陆铁路沿着同一走廊建成.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 500

Art 画廊 of Time

Make a stop at the Little Firehole Overlook. 这里的解释性标志解释了一些巨大的地质力量,这些力量在你面前雕刻和破碎了这片土地.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 511

Canyons 和 Spires 和 Chimneys, Oh My!

大火洞道口是一条10英里长的道路,提供了通往火焰湖峡谷的最北端的通道. 独特的烟囱结构是由风和水侵蚀雕刻而成的. Big Firehole提供游艇下水、露营、洗手间和湖边野餐设施.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 513

Clay Basin in Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area

Birds of Prey

在火烈湖峡谷东侧的几个没有标记的投票站提供了粘土盆地的一览无余的景色, where you can see more than 60 miles into Utah, Colorado 和 Wyoming. This area has the highest concentration of raptors (Hawks, 猎鹰, Eagles 和 Vultures) in the lower 48 states. 粘土盆地也是该地区众多天然气井的主要地下储存设施.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 535-537

Outlaw Country

At Minnie’s Gap, 这条路向东延伸了20英里,是铺好的和分级的道路,通往历史悠久的布朗公园. 它位于三个州边界的偏远地区,吸引了许多不法分子, 布朗斯公园成为亡命之徒之路的一个主要中转站. 这里最著名的居民是布奇·卡西迪和圣丹斯小子, although a colorful list of others like Matt Warner, 汤姆的角, Queen Ann & Josie Bassett, Isom Dart和墨西哥人Joe Herrera为其臭名昭著的名声增添了光彩. 今天, 布朗斯公园的魅力在于,与那些拓荒年代相比,这里几乎没有什么变化, 尽管对大多数游客来说,飞杆已经取代了六支枪.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 549

Powell’s Namesake

在这个小路上,你可以欣赏到美丽的湖景. 湖对面五颜六色的红色悬崖激发了早期探险家约翰·韦斯利·鲍威尔的灵感,将该地区命名为“火焰峡谷”. Manila, Utah 和 Lucerne Marina are also visible across the lake. 羚羊平原提供露营、野生动物观赏和绝佳的钓鱼机会.

Access Point: US Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 401

Take a Dip!

沿着标记明确的岔道前往野马岭(Mustang Ridge),这是最受欢迎的游艇下水和露营地. On the way is Sunny Cove, a popular lake beach for swimming.

Access Point: US Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 398

River Playground

沿着小洞路,你会到达格林河最受欢迎的入口. 这一天使用区域提供船坡道,野餐,漂流,徒步旅行和奖品鳟鱼钓鱼.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 396

Cart Creek Bridge in Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area

Dam Good Views

Flaming Gorge Dam & Reservoir Overlook is just around the corner on this short paved road. 的 waters before you are three to 400 feet deep! 你看到的许多固定船只可能是在寻找该州在这些水域繁殖的破纪录的湖鳟鱼.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 395

Take a Free Tour

Don’t miss Flaming Gorge’s premier Visitor Center at Flaming Gorge Dam! 该地区的解说展示和免费的水坝之旅全年都可以享受. Enjoy the newly constructed picnic facilities, 游船码头和钓鱼码头位于停车场的另一端.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 - Mile Marker 393

Greendale Junction

Greendale Junction is the intersection of U.S. Hwy 191 和 UT Hwy 44. From here, a choice needs to be made… south on U.S. Hwy 191 continues to Vernal, Utah 和 the l和 of dinosaurs. North on UT Hwy 44 leads to historic Green River, Wyoming. 无论哪个方向都充满了风景奇观和无数的娱乐机会! 在这段旅程中,我们将沿着UT 44号高速公路向北行驶.

Access Point: U.S. Hwy 191 和 UT Hwy 44


Spectacular Views

的 Red Canyon Visitor Center 坐落在一个岩石点上,海拔1700英尺,湖面蜿蜒穿过这个深峡谷. Stunning overlooks are plentiful here any time of year.

Access Point: UT Hwy 44 – Mile Marker 3.5

Geology Abound

从任何一个方向进入这个13英里的环路,都可以欣赏到羊溪国家地质区的壮丽景色. 睁大你的眼睛寻找把这个地区称为家的大角羊.

Access Point: UT Hwy 44 – Mile Marker 14.5-22

Another Kodak Moment


Access Point: UT Hwy 44 – Mile Marker 17.5

Pronghorn Central


Access Point: UT Hwy 44 – Mile Marker 43

Boating in Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area

Hit the Water!


Access Point: UT Hwy 44 – Mile Marker 31

See that Water Tower?

It is the site of Buckboard Marina, 提供最北部的码头服务和极好的冰钓出发点.

Access Point: UT Hwy 44 – Mile Marker 24

Barren L和s

Learn more about the incredibly sculpted towers 和 chimneys that dominate this area of the gorge.

Access Point: UT Hwy 44 – Mile Marker 8

Expedition Isl和 in Green River

As you travel north, you will reach the town of Green River, Wyoming 和 Expedition Isl和, 约翰·韦斯利·鲍威尔在那里开始了他的探索之旅,沿着格林河和科罗拉多河的未知水域航行. 今天,游客可以在这个田园诗般的地方享受小径,游泳,皮划艇和野餐. This is your last stop on the Flaming Gorge Scenic Byway. Stay the night in Green River at one of our hotels or lodges 和 eat at one of our restaurants.

Access Point: 475 South Second East St., Green River, Wyoming 82935